Lecturas recomendadas antes de empezar

Antes de comenzar tu rig, necesitarás muchas horas de lectura para comprender cómo funciona tu lazo cerrado y sacarle el máximo partido. Hemos hecho un listado de las lecturas recomendadas que resolverán muchas de tus dudas.

Listado de lecturas

OpenAPS.org #noestamosesperando -https://openaps.org/

OpenAPS documention - https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Documentación de Loop -https://loopkit.github.io/loopdocs/

Fine-Tuning your settings - https://seemycgm.com/2017/10/29/fine-tuning-settings/

Tim Omer – Hypodiabetic Blog - https://www.hypodiabetic.co.uk/

DIYPS - https://diyps.org/

Diabetes and Technology - Where Diabetes meets Tech - https://www.diabettech.com/

Diseño de referencia de OpenAPS - https://openaps.org/reference-design/

Why we are regularly wrong in the duration of insulin action (DIA) times we use, and why it matters - https://www.diabettech.com/insulin/why-we-are-regularly-wrong-in-the-duration-of-insulin-action-dia-times-we-use-and-why-it-matters/

What conclusions can we draw when investigating Insulin Sensitivity using the Autosens function within #OpenAPS? https://www.diabettech.com/openaps/what-conclusions-can-we-draw-when-investigating-insulin-sensitivity-using-the-autosens-function-within-openaps-an-n1-study/


Lecturas y artículos sobre los lazos cerrados «hazlo tú mismo»




En YouTube

Tim Omer: Empowered Citizen «Health Hackers» - We Are Not Waiting! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjhkRmL1wOI

Live interview with Dana Lewis, creator of Do-It-Yourself Pancreas System - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvjrPrH0Hrw