Where can I get help ?
I’m getting stuck; What do I do? Who can I ask?
This project is based on volunteer work so some rules apply to avoid extra work to those who so kindly donate their time and skills:
1 žingsnis: perskaitykite „Wiki“ - dabar mes turime paieškos funkciją, kuri jums padės!
2 etapas: ieškokite Facebook grupėje; jei ten dar nebuvo atsakyta į jūsų klausimą, paklauskite AndroidAPS Users Facebook group
level 3: If facebook did not get results then ask in discord. Abiejų kanalų pranešimų kopijos ignoruojamos/ištrinamos, kad būtų išvengta pasikartojančių atsakymų. Atminkite, kad dauguma kūrėjų yra Europoje, todėl jiems neįmanoma visą parą; skirkite jiems kelias valandas atsakymui, ypač savaitgaliais ir atostogų metu.
5 lygis: Parašykite el. laišką adresu developers@androidaps.org (tik jei reikia asmeninių duomenų, kurių nereikėtų skleisti viešajame kanale, ir jei jūsų problema nebuvo išspręsta kitu lygiu)
For support on CGM sources please use the Facebook groups or discord channels for that specific system (e.g. xDrip+, 600 series uploader) or support on Nightscout use CGM in the Cloud as the users there will have a greater level of expertise than the people here who all use different systems.
Make sure to join the AndroidAPS users group on Facebook or Discord!
Join the main AndroidAPS Facebook group and/or AndroidAPS on Discord. You can post here any questions about the algorithm, any setup problems you are having with Android Studio and building the APK, any queries about use of the app and tips for how to get best use out of it. There is also a group for Combo pump users AAPSCombo which have a slightly more specific setup.
Please note that Facebook has recently removed external links shared within the AAPS Facebook group and this includes current and historic posts which contain external links to the AAPS Notes / Read the docs. For new users who are working through the Objectives and reviewing historic AAPS Facebook posts please search key terms as discussed wthin the AAPS notes for further assistance.
Other resources in English
Looped Facebook grupė: apima visus Pasidaryk Pats uždarojo ciklo sistemas (OpenAPS, Loop ir AndroidAPS)
CGM in the cloud: CGM in general
Country / language specific resources
Aussie Aussie Aussie Loop Loop Loop: OpenAPS, Loop ir AndroidAPS vartotojai Australijoje
Čekų ir slovakų
DanaR, Insight a AndroidAPS CZ: Czech-speaking users of AndroidAPS
DIY AndroidAPS, parents d’enfants Dt1 : French support group for AAPS for children
Open Source Looper Community: Vokietijos uždaro ciklo naudotojai bendrauja dėl atviro kodo naudojimo, diabeto bendrai, komunikacijos, palaikymo ir vietinių susirinkimų
Freestyle Libre Freaks Facebook group: Libre as CGM/FGM
Looped-NL-BE: Dutch-speaking users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS
AndroidAPS Polska: Polish AAPS community and diabetes support group)
Looped Sweden (Sweden based users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS)
Looped UK (UK based users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS)