Making changes to your AAPS configuration
After you have completed the Setup Wizard you don’t need to run the entire Wizard again if you want to only change parts of the configuration.
There are three routes to change the different configuration settings, which route you take is simply a matter of convenience, each route leads to the same configuration settings.
These are as follows:
Config builder,
Three dot menu on the right and select „preferences“ or
Three dot menu on the right and select „plugin preferences“.
Here we explain which option is most convenient for each situation:
Config builder
The config builder is used if you want to enable plugins and their visibility in the top level menu. If they are enabled, they will still run, you can decide if you want to be able to see them in the top menu or not.
Plugins which you have not enabled (i.e. disabled) plugins can not be made visible. For example, when you first start with AAPS on objective 1, you cannot yet use automations, so the automations plugin cannot be enabled and made visible in the top menu.
Config builder is the easiest way to further modify your configuration after you have used the Setup Wizard.
The documentation relating to the config builder is available here.
The preferences dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It gives you the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once.
This is a good route if you are not really sure where to look for an configuration option, but it can be a bit tedious if you know you want to change the configuration for just one specific plugin.
The documentation of the preferences is available here.
Plugin preferences
The plugin preferences dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen.
This is a good route if you know that e.g. you just want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab „BYODA“ on the top menu of AAPS, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the „plugin preferences“ entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin.
This is a „short cut“ to the general preferences dialogue, the documentation of the preferences is available here.